The Greenhouse
by Pine

The impact of remote work on home buying decisions

Remote work is not just reshaping our work lives—it's reshaping our homes and our way of life. As we navigate this new normal, we're redefining what home means to us. This isn't a passing trend, it's a revolution in how we live.

Mortgage considerations for the remote worker

In recent years, we've witnessed a dramatic transformation in how we work. The once clear line separating 'work' from 'home' has blurred, leading to a new era of remote work. This shift, primarily facilitated by advancements in technology and changing attitudes towards work-life balance, has not only redefined our daily routines, but it's also begun to significantly influence major life decisions, such as where and how we choose to live.

This blog aims to delve into one such profound shift: the impact of remote work on home buying decisions.

Traditionally, factors like proximity to the workplace, local schools, and city amenities dictated where people choose to buy homes. However, the rise of remote work has changed the game, prompting us to rethink what we value in our living spaces.

In the following sections, we'll explore the extent of this shift and dissect the evolving factors influencing home buying decisions in the era of remote work. We'll dive into real-world case studies, examine the effects on real estate markets, and consider the responses from home builders and real estate agents.

Stay with us as we embark on this exploration of the unique intersection between remote work and home buying in today's world. It's a journey that reveals much about our changing lifestyles and expectations, and one that may well forecast the shape of communities in the years to come.


The rise of remote work: Facts and figures

The landscape of work has seen a significant transformation in recent years, largely accelerated by the global pandemic. Remote work, once an exception, has now become a new norm for many companies and workers alike. In this section, we'll look at some key statistics to better understand this paradigm shift.

As of 2023, about 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, and a considerable 28.2% have adapted to a hybrid work model that combines home and in-office work. This is a clear indication of the rapid normalization of remote work environments. However, the majority of the workforce, 59.1%, still work in-office, showing that while the trend towards remote work is on the rise, traditional in-office work is far from being completely replaced​​.

Companies are also embracing this change with about 16% of companies operating fully remotely without a physical office. This not only proves the feasibility of such models but also paves the way for others to follow suit​​.

Moreover, worker preferences align with this trend. An overwhelming 98% of workers have expressed the desire to work remotely at least part of the time. This reflects a growing affinity towards the flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance that remote work offers​​.

From an employer's perspective, 93% plan to continue conducting job interviews remotely, suggesting a willingness to adapt to virtual methods and recognizing remote work as a sustainable option​​.

When we look at remote work by industry and occupation, it becomes evident that certain sectors are more conducive to remote work than others. The top industry for remote work in 2023 is the computer and IT sector, followed by marketing, accounting and finance, and project management. Even sectors that have traditionally relied on physical offices, such as HR and recruiting and customer service, are experiencing the benefits of remote work​​.

In terms of job roles, an accountant was the most common remote job posting in 2022, showcasing how traditional office functions can successfully adapt to a remote format. Other prominent remote job postings include executive assistant, customer service representative, and senior financial analyst. This wide variety of roles signifies the expanding scope of remote work across different fields​​.

In the next section, we will delve into how this shift towards remote work has impacted home buying decisions.


The impact of remote work on home buying decisions

It is evident that the ability to work remotely is dramatically reshaping where people choose to live, and consequently, their home buying decisions. This shift has resulted in a trend towards home buyers considering suburban and rural areas that were previously considered too far from traditional job hubs.

In a recent survey conducted in 2023, it was found that 41% of the workforce in the United States expressed a desire to work remotely permanently, and the results are similar in Canada. This has inevitably influenced Canadian home buying trends, as these workers no longer need to consider commute times to the office when choosing where to live. Consequently, they are exploring housing options in locations that offer a better quality of life, more affordable housing, and more space, as long as these locations have the right technology and resources to support remote work.

Moreover, according to Business Insider, Canada ranks third globally in terms of countries with the highest number of remote job postings, thus further fueling this trend of remote work impacting home buying decisions. The growth in remote work opportunities is primarily driven by technology, which is not only enabling remote work but also providing the flexibility for workers to live wherever they prefer.

These findings underscore the significant impact of remote work on home buying decisions. The traditional factors influencing such decisions, such as proximity to the workplace, are becoming less relevant, while factors such as lifestyle, cost of living, and the availability of technology are gaining prominence.


Effects on real estate markets

The remote work revolution is reshaping not only how we work but also where we live, leading to substantial ripple effects on real estate markets. This shift in home buying preferences is particularly evident when comparing urban, suburban, and rural areas.

Urban areas: Traditionally, urban areas have drawn individuals for their proximity to offices, vibrancy, and plethora of amenities such as restaurants, theatres, and shopping centres. However, with the rise of remote work, the demand for city living has somewhat decreased. The necessity of living within commuting distance to workplaces has lessened, leading to a decline in property prices and rental rates in some major cities.

Suburban areas: In contrast, suburban areas are witnessing a surge in popularity. The newfound flexibility offered by remote work has made the suburban lifestyle more attractive to many. With more space, quieter surroundings, and often lower costs of living, suburban homes are a desirable alternative.

Moreover, many homebuyers are looking for properties that can accommodate a home office, which suburban homes are more likely to offer due to their larger sizes. According to Zillow, there was a notable increase in the sale of suburban homes in 2020 and 2021, marking a distinct shift in buyer preference.

Rural areas: Rural areas are also seeing increased interest, particularly from those who place a high value on space and natural surroundings. The idyllic charm of rural life, coupled with the potential for larger properties at lower prices, has driven a remarkable increase in rural real estate demand. However, this trend could be somewhat constrained by issues such as internet connectivity, which is often less reliable in rural areas.


The role of home builders and real estate agents

The shift in home buying preferences due to the rise of remote work isn't just affecting buyers and sellers—it's also significantly impacting the roles and strategies of home builders and real estate agents. These industry professionals must adapt to the changing landscape and reevaluate how they meet the evolving needs of homebuyers in this new era of work.

Home builders: Home builders are witnessing a shift in demand towards homes that cater to the needs of remote workers. Instead of open plan designs, more individuals are looking for properties that have dedicated office space where they can work undisturbed. This can range from a separate room for a home office to flexible spaces that can serve multiple functions.

In addition to office space, connectivity has become a key concern. With remote work and digital communication becoming the norm, a strong and reliable internet connection is crucial. As a result, home builders are being challenged to ensure that new homes are equipped with the infrastructure needed to support high-speed internet and Wi-Fi.

Home builders are also seeing a demand for quieter, more energy-efficient homes. With more time spent at home, aspects like noise reduction and energy efficiency are becoming increasingly important to homeowners.

Real estate agents: Real estate agents, on the other hand, are having to adjust their selling points and strategies to align with these changes. The shift to remote work means that traditional selling points—such as proximity to the city center or commute times—are less relevant for many buyers.

Instead, agents are emphasizing aspects such as home office space, internet connectivity, and quiet surroundings. They may also highlight nearby outdoor amenities like parks and trails, which have become more desirable as people seek to balance work with leisure and exercise at home.

Furthermore, real estate agents are increasingly using digital tools to adapt to these changes. Virtual tours and online meetings have become commonplace, enabling agents to cater to buyers who are relocating from different cities or even countries.


Challenges and drawbacks

While the shift towards remote work and its influence on home buying decisions presents numerous opportunities, it's important to also consider the potential challenges and drawbacks. This transformation is not without its complexities, and there are several factors that individuals, communities, and policymakers need to navigate.

Social isolation: Firstly, the move towards remote work and subsequently more isolated living arrangements can lead to increased feelings of loneliness and social isolation. While the flexibility to live further away from urban centres has its perks, it also means fewer opportunities for social interaction. The workplace often provides a sense of community and opportunities for socializing that are harder to replicate when working from home in a more isolated setting.

Impact on local businesses: The decline in commuter traffic can also impact local businesses in previously commuter-heavy areas. Many businesses in city centres, particularly those in the food and beverage industry, rely heavily on office workers for their customer base. A sustained decrease in office occupancy could lead to reduced revenues for these businesses, potentially threatening their survival.

Internet connectivity: While previously mentioned as a new factor in home buying decisions, reliable internet connectivity can also be a challenge, particularly in rural areas. Not all locations are equipped with the infrastructure needed to support high-speed internet, which is crucial for remote work. This digital divide could limit the potential for some individuals to take advantage of remote work opportunities and could slow down the growth of rural real estate markets.

Sustainability concerns: From an environmental perspective, there could be sustainability concerns. Larger homes in suburban and rural areas typically consume more energy than smaller urban apartments, potentially leading to increased carbon emissions. Furthermore, while commute-related emissions might decrease, there could be an increase in emissions from home energy use, particularly in areas with extreme temperatures where heating or cooling is necessary.

Housing affordability: Finally, the increased demand for suburban and rural properties could exacerbate issues of housing affordability. If demand outpaces supply, property prices in these areas could rise, making it more difficult for first-time buyers or lower-income individuals to afford a home.

While the shift towards remote work is reshaping home buying decisions in many ways, it's important to approach this transformation with a balanced perspective. Understanding and addressing these potential challenges and drawbacks is crucial to ensuring that the transition towards remote work is sustainable and inclusive, and that it benefits a wide range of stakeholders.


Envisioning tomorrow's possibilities

As we navigate this paradigm shift in work and home buying preferences, it's natural to wonder: what does the future hold? While it's impossible to predict with certainty, we can make some educated guesses based on current trends and expert opinions.

Sustainability of remote work: The sustainability of remote work largely depends on how businesses choose to operate post-pandemic. While many companies have expressed an intention to continue allowing remote work, others are eager to bring their employees back to the office, at least part-time. The future could see a rise in hybrid working models, where employees split their time between home and the office.

This would continue to influence home buying decisions, with many individuals still desiring properties that can accommodate home working. However, proximity to the office might regain some of its importance if regular commuting becomes necessary again.

Urban revival: While we've seen a shift away from urban areas, it's unlikely that cities will become obsolete. Cities have always been hubs of innovation, culture, and social interaction. As safety concerns related to the pandemic decrease, we may see an urban revival. This could be particularly true for younger workers and those who value the social and cultural opportunities that cities provide.

Technological advancements: Technological advancements will continue to play a significant role in enabling remote work. Improvements in virtual reality, augmented reality, and telecommunication technology could make remote work even more efficient and appealing. This could further fuel the desire for homes that are well-equipped for remote work.

Climate considerations: The climate crisis will also likely influence home buying decisions. Buyers may increasingly look for energy-efficient homes or locations that are less vulnerable to extreme weather conditions and climate change impacts.

Housing market responses: The housing market will need to continue to adapt to these changes. We may see an increase in the construction of homes designed with remote work in mind, including the development of home office spaces and the provision of high-speed internet. On the other hand, urban housing may become more affordable, leading to opportunities for those who were previously priced out of city living.



Wrapping up, it's clear that remote work has drastically changed the home buying landscape. Priorities have shifted, with more value placed on home offices and internet connectivity, and less on commuting distances.

This shift has stirred the real estate market, spotlighting suburban and rural areas, while leaving urban areas in the shadows. But it's not all smooth sailing, with challenges like social isolation and housing affordability cropping up.

Looking forward, we might see a mix of home and office work, a bounce-back for cities, and an emphasis on tech-friendly, sustainable homes.

In a nutshell, remote work is not just reshaping our work lives—it's reshaping our homes and our way of life. As we navigate this new normal, we're redefining what home means to us. This isn't a passing trend, it's a revolution in how we live. So, let's embrace the change and see where this journey takes us!


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