House with large coin - Refinance your mortgage at the lowest rates

Refinance and save

Whether you’re looking to reduce your monthly mortgage payments or buy another home, refinancing with Pine can save you thousands.

5–year fixed
5–year adjustable

Save thousands of dollars with Pine

How it works

Person on park bench checking their phone for lowest mortgage rates

Apply online

Click ‘Get started’ in the top right corner to open the application. Apply online  in under 10 minutes and kickstart your home financing journey.

Person checking phone for mortgage rates with paper airplane

Submit documents

Upload your ID and supporting documents to help us determine what you can afford via our safe and secure customer portal.

Two people talking to each other about mortgages

Get approved

Get ready to turn your dreams into reality. Our expert mortgage advisors will walk you through the best options for your unique financing needs.

Parent and child entering their new home


You’ve officially made it to the last stage of the mortgage process. Here is where all of the final documents are signed and the funds are released.

Enjoy your family moments instead of worrying about your mortgage.

Just a few minutes could save you thousands

“Possibly the best rate you can find in the market, and great agent who is professional and provides honest advise. Would recommend!”

Zihao J.

Tips on refinancing a home


Determine your goals

Before you start refinancing, figure out what your goals are. Are you looking to lower your monthly payments, shorten your loan term, or access home equity?


Check your credit score

Your credit score plays a crucial role in determining your interest rate when refinancing. Make sure your credit score is as high as possible before applying.


Consider your debt-to-income ratios

Lenders will consider your debt-to-income ratio when deciding whether to approve your refinancing application. Make sure you have a low debt-to-income ratio to improve your chances of approval.


Understand the different types
of refinancing

In Canada, there are two main types of refinancing: rate-and-term and cash-out. Understand the pros and cons of each before choosing which one to go with.


Don’t over leverage

Refinancing can provide access to home equity, but don't over-leverage your home by borrowing more than you can afford to repay. Make sure you have a solid plan for repaying the loan before refinancing.

Question? We've got answers.

What’s involved in getting a mortgage from Pine?

Does Pine charge any lender fees?

Will I have a point of contact at Pine?

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How much of a down payment does Pine require?

Can Pine help me if I have poor credit?

Mortgage Refinance Must-Knows

  • Strategic Financial Decision: Refinancing your mortgage is often a proactive measure, potentially initiated several years before your current mortgage term ends, allowing for renegotiation of loan terms to secure lower interest rates or access equity.
  • Variable Conditions: Unlike mortgage renewal, refinancing terms may differ significantly from your original mortgage due to factors like market changes, property value fluctuations, and personal financial shifts.
  • Credit and Financial Status: Any decrease in your credit score or significant income changes can influence lenders' refinance terms, possibly affecting interest rates and the borrowable amount.
  • Associated Costs: Refinancing isn't free; it comes with various expenses, including appraisal fees, legal costs, and potential penalties for early mortgage termination, all of which need consideration before proceeding.
  • Professional Consultation: Given the complexities, consulting with a financial advisor or mortgage specialist is recommended to ensure refinancing aligns with your long-term financial goals and doesn't lead to unforeseen complications.

What is a Mortgage Refinance?

Mortgage refinancing is the process of replacing your current home loan with a new one, often with different terms. Homeowners typically refinance to secure lower interest rates, access home equity, or adjust their loan duration. By doing so, they can achieve better financial flexibility, manage debts more effectively, or adapt to changing financial circumstances. It's a strategic move that can offer both immediate and long-term benefits.

The Pine Advantage

Competitive rates within reach: At Pine, we pride ourselves on offering interest rates that often undercut traditional financial institutions, providing you with the opportunity for significant savings over the life of your refinance term.

Guidance from seasoned experts: Our Canada-wide network of experienced professionals is at your service, offering invaluable insights and reliable advice. They're here to navigate you through the refinancing landscape, ensuring you secure terms that are most beneficial to your financial health.

Tailored to your needs: We recognize the uniqueness of your financial journey. That's why Pine is dedicated to crafting a mortgage refinance plan that fits snugly with your financial goals and lifestyle, offering flexibility in terms like payment schedules and prepayment options.

Swift and seamless refinancing: Dive into the future with Pine's technology-empowered platform, designed to make your mortgage refinance process as quick and painless as possible. With us, you're looking at a turnaround time measured in mere days.

No surprises, just transparency: Honesty is our policy, especially when it comes to fees. We're committed to full transparency, meaning you'll be fully informed about all costs associated with your refinance—no hidden charges, no unexpected fees.

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

Contemplating whether to refinance your mortgage hinges on several factors, primarily what you aim to achieve from restructuring your current loan. Here's how refinancing can be a strategic financial move:

Accessing More Funds

As homeowners pay their mortgage, they accumulate home equity – the portion of the property they truly "own." Refinancing allows homeowners to tap into this equity, up to 80% of the home's current value in Canada. For instance, if your home is worth $800,000 and you've a mortgage balance of $400,000, you could potentially access up to $240,000 in cash, leveraging the equity to consolidate debts, fund renovations, or finance other significant expenses. (Note: All figures used here are illustrative and may not reflect current rates or individual situations)

Securing Lower Interest Rates

If market conditions change and interest rates drop, refinancing can be a pathway to reduce your interest burden. While fixed-rate mortgages offer stability, they can also prevent you from capitalizing on lower interest rates mid-term. Refinancing could incur penalties, but the long-term savings from lower rates might outweigh these costs. Utilizing tools like a mortgage refinance calculator can help assess the financial implications.

Altering Your Mortgage Conditions

Refinancing offers flexibility beyond just interest rates. It's an opportunity to revamp your mortgage based on your current needs and future goals. You might extend your amortization period for reduced monthly payments or switch from a variable-rate to a fixed-rate mortgage if you predict rising interest rates. Some lenders even provide options to change your mortgage type without the standard penalties of refinancing, offering an extra layer of adaptability.

In essence, refinancing your mortgage is about optimizing your debt structure to suit your evolving financial landscape. Whether it's drawing on home equity for financial leverage, securing a more favorable interest rate, or adjusting the terms of your mortgage for future stability, a well-considered refinance is a powerful tool in your financial arsenal.

Step-by-step Guide to Mortgage Refinance with Pine

Initial consultation: Discovering possibilities

Our team of experienced mortgage advisors are here to guide you through the refinance process. This discussion sets the stage for a tailored refinancing journey.

Financial review: Assessing your standing

We delve into your finances, evaluating your credit, equity, and fiscal stability. This step is foundational, determining the refinancing paths available to you.

Exploring your options: Informed choices

Based on your financial assessment, we unveil a variety of refinancing routes, each elucidated for clarity and comprehension, empowering you with choice.

Application submission: Forward motion

Upon selecting the best fit, we assist in compiling and submitting your application, simplifying the intricacies and aiming for swift, seamless approval.

Approval and agreement: Commitment time

Post-approval, we clarify the fine print of your new mortgage terms. Your understanding is paramount, and once all is transparent, you'll commit with a signature.

Closing process: Final steps

The journey culminates with the closing phase, handling any residual costs, potential appraisals, and last-minute details, all streamlined for a hassle-free conclusion.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overlooking better options

One trap is tunnel vision, focusing solely on lower monthly payments without considering other beneficial terms. It's vital to research extensively or work with a Pine advisor to explore all available options, ensuring you don't miss out on a deal better suited to your long-term goals.

Ignoring fees

Refinancing isn't free. It's crucial to prepare financially for various charges that you may encounter during the process. These expenses could include:

  • Attorney costs for handling legal matters.
  • Fees associated with researching the title and obtaining title insurance.
  • Charges for home valuation through professional appraisal services.
  • Costs for releasing your current mortgage, applicable if you're transitioning to a different lender.

Additionally, it's important to consider prepayment penalties, which could add significantly to your immediate out-of-pocket expenses, elevating the initial cost of refinancing into the thousands. This is alongside the interest charges that will accrue over time. By fully grasping these expenses, you can make an informed comparison between refinancing and alternative financial strategies, such as securing a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or taking out a home equity loan.

Forgetting your credit score

A common oversight needs to pay more attention to the importance of credit health. A lower score can significantly impact your interest rates. Regularly check your credit score, strive to pay off debts, and avoid taking on new debt before refinancing.

Rushing the timing

Many homeowners jump the gun, rushing into refinancing without assessing market conditions or their financial situation. Timing is crucial; sometimes, waiting for a more stable income or lower interest rates can lead to more favourable terms.

Skipping professional advice

Navigating the refinancing landscape alone can be daunting and riddled with complexities. Consulting with a Pine professional can provide clarity, offer tailored advice, and help you sidestep common pitfalls.

What is the difference between renewing and refinancing?

Many homeowners need clarification when distinguishing between renewing and refinancing their mortgage. Though they may sound similar, these options serve different purposes and respond to different needs.

Renewing: Continuing the journey

Mortgage renewal is a routine process that occurs at the end of your mortgage term, which is typically every 5 years. Here’s what it involves:

  • Seamless transition: When your term concludes, you have the option to renew your mortgage with your current lender, often under new terms and possibly different interest rates.
  • No major changes: This process doesn’t involve any significant alterations to your mortgage amount, property lien, or loan structure. It’s essentially a continuation of your original mortgage under potentially updated terms.

Refinancing: A strategic shift

Refinancing, on the other hand, is a move often initiated by the homeowner for specific reasons before a mortgage term ends. It involves altering the structure of your mortgage and possibly your lender. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Accessing equity: One of the primary reasons for refinancing is to access the equity built up in your home, which can be used for everything from home renovations to debt consolidation.
  • New loan agreement: Refinancing means getting a new mortgage. This process can involve changes to your interest rate, payment schedule, and mortgage term. It often requires a new approval process, including a credit check and home appraisal.

Mortgage Refinance Checklist

Embarking on the decision to refinance your mortgage requires a strategic approach. This journey, if navigated wisely, can lead to substantial financial rewards. To ensure a smooth process, we've assembled a detailed checklist for your mortgage refinancing journey:

Initiate the process early: Consider your mortgage refinance options well in advance. Starting early gives you the luxury of time to thoroughly evaluate your current mortgage contract and explore various avenues for your new mortgage loan.

Comprehend your existing mortgage details: Delve into the specifics of your current mortgage agreement. Understand the nuances of your interest rate, balance due, and any penalties associated with early refinancing.

Evaluate your financial standing: Reflect on any financial changes since you secured your original mortgage loan. This assessment includes examining shifts in your income, debt ratio, and credit score.

Clarify your refinancing objectives: Determine what you intend to accomplish with the refinance of your mortgage. Whether it's reducing your monthly payments, pulling out cash for a significant expenditure, or debt consolidation, having clear goals will guide your decisions.

Research the current mortgage landscape: Stay informed about the prevailing mortgage market trends and interest rates. This information is crucial as it directly impacts your refinancing options and decisions.

Organize necessary documentation: Prepare all relevant financial documents, including recent pay stubs, tax information, and a comprehensive list of your assets and debts, which will provide a clear picture of your eligibility for a new mortgage contract.

Explore various lender options: Don’t confine yourself to your existing lender. Investigate different financial institutions and compare their refinancing options to ensure you secure the most advantageous mortgage loan terms.

Enlist professional assistance: Engaging with a mortgage advisor can be invaluable. Their expertise can simplify the complexities of refinancing, helping you navigate the process and negotiate better terms.

Negotiate your new contract: The initial offer doesn’t have to be the final one. Discuss and negotiate the conditions of your new mortgage contract, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your financial aspirations.

Refinancing Requirements

Valid Refinancing Objectives

Lenders mandate that your reason for refinancing falls within acceptable parameters. These may encompass diverse financial strategies such as:

  • Enhancing asset value through home improvements or property investments.
  • Consolidating debts to streamline finances and potentially secure lower interest rates.
  • Merging multiple mortgages into one for simplified management and possibly better terms.
  • Undertaking significant home renovations that contribute to property value.
  • Acquiring investment properties to diversify your financial portfolio.

Additionally, specific conditions apply:

  • Eligibility for amortization periods extending up to 30 years.
  • Provision for cash advances is typically limited to two instances.
  • Exclusion of mortgages intended primarily for default management.

Qualified Property Types

Your property must align with specific criteria to be deemed eligible:

  • Owner-occupied residences: Properties with up to four units, provided one unit is your primary place of residence. This category does not include properties under construction.
  • Secondary or investment properties: Applies to properties with a maximum of two units, excluding those still in the construction phase.

Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio Constraints

The LTV ratio is a critical factor in refinancing. It represents the proportion of your home's value that's financed by your mortgage loan. For instance, an $80,000 loan on a $100,000 property signifies an 80% LTV. In this program, the upper limit for the LTV ratio is set at 80%, promoting financial health and risk mitigation. (Note: All figures used here are illustrative and may not reflect current rates or individual situations)

Flexible Amortization Periods

Refinancing programs offer a range of amortization options to accommodate your financial planning:

  • Availability of extended amortization schedules, reaching up to 30 years. This flexibility, subject to lender policies, applies predominantly to uninsured conventional mortgages, facilitating long-term budgeting and potentially more manageable repayment rates.

Frequently asked questions about mortgage refinance

When Is a Mortgage Refinance Needed?

A mortgage refinance becomes necessary when you seek substantial modifications to your existing mortgage contract, irrespective of whether your current term is nearing its end. Since a mortgage is a binding agreement with a specific duration, any significant alterations typically mean settling the existing mortgage and replacing it with a new one — a process known as refinancing. Situations calling for such a step include desiring a considerable increase in the loan amount for additional cash, securing a more favourable interest rate mid-term, or adjusting the details of your mortgage, such as the amortization schedule or the length of the mortgage term. Essentially, refinancing provides the flexibility to adapt your mortgage contract to new financial needs or market conditions.

Will refinancing a mortgage affect my credit?

Refinancing your mortgage involves a hard credit inquiry by lenders, which can slightly lower your credit score. Additionally, closing your original mortgage and opening a new one may affect your credit history’s average age, potentially impacting your score. While these changes might cause a minor and temporary dip, consistent, timely payments on your new mortgage can positively influence your credit score over time, offsetting the initial impact. Overall, the short-term effects of refinancing are minimal compared to the potential long-term financial benefits.

Can you refinance a mortgage multiple times?

Yes, homeowners can refinance their mortgage multiple times, but it's essential to weigh the financial implications. Each refinance comes with costs, such as appraisal fees, closing costs, and other charges, which can add up. Additionally, refinancing repeatedly can extend the debt repayment period significantly. Homeowners should calculate potential savings from a lower interest rate against the costs and extended loan term, ensuring that refinancing aligns with their long-term financial goals and it's not eroding their home equity over time.

Navigating Your Mortgage Refinance with Pine

Embarking on a mortgage refinance is a strategic financial decision, one that presents an opportunity to reshape your mortgage terms to better fit your current needs and future aspirations. As you approach this pivotal juncture, remember, you're not alone — Pine is here to guide you through every step of this journey.

Choosing to refinance allows you to explore new avenues, whether you're aiming to take advantage of lower interest rates, tap into your home equity, or adjust your payment schedule. While these decisions carry significant financial implications, Pine's dedicated team is committed to offering competitive rates and a personalized approach, ensuring you feel supported, whether you're just joining us or are a valued long-term client.

Refinancing isn't merely a redo of your original mortgage; it's a chance to reassess and realign your financial strategies. The new terms, especially the interest rates, may differ based on market fluctuations and your own financial standing. If there are concerns, such as a dip in income or a lower credit score, rest assured, Pine emphasizes transparency and constructive dialogue to find viable solutions together.

It's also crucial to recognize that refinancing too early could lead to additional charges. Timing your refinance is key to avoiding unnecessary penalties. If you're navigating uncertainties or seeking clarity on the refinancing process, Pine's experts are readily available to offer insights and advice specific to your circumstances.

In your journey toward financial growth and stability, let Pine be your trusted partner, turning the complexities of mortgage refinancing into strategic steps forward.